Stand Up type DOY
Possible equipment for the bag
EASY OPEN tear notch
open string
euro hole
euro hole
handle hole
finger holes
round bottom
rounded corners
round holes of different diameters
bottom fold
customised shape
K sealing
breathing valve
four different tapes
laser system tear notch
transparent window
registered varnishes
ECO Stand Up packaging type DOY
W dzisiejszych czasach coraz głośniej mówi się o tym, jak ważna jest dbałość o środowisko naturalne. Zdajemy sobie sprawę z tego, że wprowadzając w życie pewne zmiany, jesteśmy w stanie zadbać o dobro planety. Nasz zespół, biorąc pod uwagę bezpieczeństwo środowiska, postanowił wprowadzić do oferty Eko opakowanie Stand Up typu DOY, wykonywane z materiałów, które szybko ulegają rozkładowi w środowisku naturalnym i nie stanowią zagrożenia dla zdrowia organizmów żywych.
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Stand Up type DOY – ecological packaging of high standard
The DOY Stand Up eco packaging is a great quality product made of natural materials that are safe for the environment. Its great advantage is that it biodegrades in natural conditions. Unlike plastic packaging, it does not take hundreds or thousands of years to decompose. In addition, the DOY Stand Up eco packaging is safe for health, which is especially important when food is placed in it. It is also distinguished by its high durability and excellent quality of workmanship, which is confirmed by positive customer reviews.
Eco Stand Up packaging type DOY in many variants
We make eco-friendly Stand Up packaging of the DOY type in various configurations. At the customer’s request, we can equip it with, among others, a euro pendant, a cutout for a hand, a cutout for 3 fingers, a string closure or EASY OPEN cuts. We also offer eco-friendly Stand Up packaging of the DOY type in many forms, thanks to which we are able to meet the expectations of every customer. Please contact us to place an order! We guarantee attractive prices, professional service and packaging of the highest standard of workmanship.
Packaging is essential in many industries. Choosing the most suitable one is not an easy task, so it is worth choosing only the most professional products that will prove reliable in many situations. Especially today, when ecology is increasingly talked about, it is worth choosing packaging that is made of materials that do not threaten the natural environment. Such are the Stand Up packaging types available in our store, DOY.
What makes DOY Stand Up packaging stand out is the material it is made of. Importantly, it biodegrades very quickly, so it does not pose a threat to living organisms. The DOY Stand Up eco packaging is also completely safe for health, which means that you can safely place food in it. The DOY Stand Up bag is also available in many configurations and forms, so every customer will be able to easily choose the product that best suits their needs.
DOY Stand Up Bag – Why Is It Worth It?
Stand Up DOY packaging is one of the most popular products that can be found in our store. The highest quality is confirmed by numerous opinions of users who pay attention to high durability, wide selection, as well as the use of ecological materials and solutions safe for the environment. Also the price, extremely favorable and very competitive, makes many customers willingly reach for Stand Up DOY bags.